Saying Yes to the Dirndl - Knitting in the Park gets married
Wedding Updates

Yes to the Dress

Or, in this case, Dirndl.

If you’ve stopped over before, you might have read a bit of background about our upcoming wedding.  It’s going to be a bit different from your traditional wedding here in the States…because it’s more of a traditional German wedding.  My fiancé is German and half of my heritage is as well.  My mom wore a bit of a nontraditional dress for her wedding, and Christian’s parents were married in Germany.  Having a German or Bavarian style wedding is the perfect way to blend everything together as we blend our two families together.

The caterer was a no brainer – we went with our go to for everything, John Marshal Catering.  The man is a master chef and works wonders that will make you believe in magic again.  His cooking is basically culinary magic – and if the quality doesn’t make you believe, his reasonable prices will for sure.  We’ve known John for years through Saint Richard’s Parish, where we both were parishioners.  John catered many church events, including the church Oktoberfest party every year.  My Maid of Honor and I had a joint graduation party since we graduated from the same high school together and it was a blast.  The tasting is coming up – this Tuesday! I’m really excited to introduce Christian and his family to John Marshal and his wonderful catering.

If the food went that swimmingly, we knew something was going to give us a run for it – I just didn’t think it would have been the dress.  Here I am thinking I’m going to be that one bride who’s totally calm and collected and picks out a simple dress and saves a ton of money.  Well, we found the dress, it was definitely less than something from a bridal boutique here…but the sizing, and the shipping, finding one online, from Germany in the height of their “dirndl” season definitely tested my patience.  We persevered though.  After the first order failed miserably due to sizing, we went back to the drawing board.  I contacted some of the dress makers and asked if there were any US stores that carried their clothing.  We met a wonderful woman from Wisconsin who helped us figure out our sizing and talked through the different styles of dirndl with us.  Then together, my mom and I found two beautiful dresses, in Nora and my sizes.  We held our breath and ordered for a second time.

Just this past weekend, Nora came over and together we tried on the dresses – hers fit like a glove and mine just needs taken in a smudge.  We were so happy and so excited, that we were basically squealing like the two little Catholic School Girls that we are.  I’m not going to ruin the surprise and show you photos of the dresses – we were too excited to get any good ones anyway.  But the flower above is the inspiration for the color of the wedding which might give you a bit of a hint.