Who Doesn’t Love Rocking Big Diamonds?
Now Test Knitting the Diamonds Cable Hat Knitting Pattern
Apologies for the cheesy blog title, I couldn’t resist. See, this title is funny for me because I actually care more about knitted diamonds than I do the actual thing (when it comes to jewelry I’m pretty simple). In fact the only diamond that I own is in my engagement ring, which was my grandmothers and then my mothers…But I digress.

About the Diamond Cable Hat Pattern
Let’s get to the point shall we? I need some volunteers to help me test knit through this new hat pattern and make sure that it’s in top shape to release. This hat is fun to make and works up quickly. It’s knit with Lionbrand Yarn in a worsted weight, using two strands at a time. Making this a double kit hat means it’s super warm.
As with all of my patterns, the instructions are totally written out and intended to be knitter friendly. In essence, I want anyone to be able to pick up this Diamond Cable Hat Pattern and be able to knit it.
To Volunteer to Test Knit the Diamond Cable Hat Pattern
I’ll take up to ten test knitters. Each knitter will receive the pattern for free but must be able to complete the test knit of the pattern by November 8th – which gives you about three weeks from today.
I will not be offering yarn support for this pattern. I am happy to help find a yarn from your current stash, or an affordable option at your local stores though!
Test Knitters must also be able to provide photos of their work. These photos will be featured in the pattern listing. They’ll also be published to Knitting in the Park’s social media channels!
Not ready for a test knit? View a listing of my other hat knitting patterns here.