We've Arrived! On Parkview Drive!
New Home

We’ve Arrived!

To 1530 Parkview Drive!

We’ve officially been in the new home for three nights now, but the days have been filled with packing, unpacking, me working and it’s been a complete whirlwind.  Today is the first day that we’ve taken a break from all things moving and are getting back into our routines.  This doesn’t mean that we are done, not by a long shot.  I’m still writing and working on a card table.  We still have loads of boxes to unpack, and still have some stuff to move into the house.  The furniture is a constant game of Tetris, as we work to see what fits best where and how the house will flow the best.  And the list of things that we want to do to the house keeps growing.

To give you a quick understanding of all that has happened during the move – I haven’t touched my knitting, other than to move it into the house, in three days.


I have to admit, last night, between the exhaustion and all of the emotions during the move, I almost broke down into tears.  My Fiancé was so sweet, telling me I went far beyond where others would have and that he was proud that I didn’t wuss out or give up – and he kept working into the night despite having to work a 12 hour nursing shift today to make the house feel more like a home for me (since I work out of the house).

The dog is finally settling in and is starting to believe us when we tell him that this is his new house – and that we aren’t going back to the apartment (other than to move some more stuff).

Day 1: This was my office

We packed up most of the apartment into a truck and got about 1/3 of the way moved in.  We were just able to sleep in the house.  There was A LOT of cleaning going on that day.  My dad rented a carpet cleaner and helped us make sure that I could stay in the house with my allergies (to mold and dust).  My mom scrubbed the kitchen and helped me organize it.

First day in the home office - Knitting in the Park

Day 2: The Dog finally Started to Settle in


We got up early and while I worked, my dad and Chris got to work loading even more from the apartment into the truck.   We filled it to the brim and were able to get it unloaded later that evening.  Thank God for lights and extension chords otherwise, we would have had to wait until the next day to really move in.

Day 2 in the house, the dog settles in


Day 3: The biggest part of the move (form me)

This was the day that I joined in on the move and really helped move.  It was my job to run up and down the steps to carry all of the little things that the guys didn’t focus on in the first two days.  Then we came back to the house and unloaded even more.  We were blessed to have our parents retire and move this year, so we benefited from their downsizing and are not lacking in furniture.  The only downside is that moving heavy furniture is hard work!  My dad and Chris worked so hard and made such a good team, it was really something to see.

Day 3: The biggest part of the move for yours truly of Knitting in the Park


…and we realized we were missing slats for the bed


Day 3 of moving to North Park


Day 4: Work, Work, Work

While putting a full day of work into the house, between myself, mom and dad, we’re slowly removing little things, installing our things (like new/working smoke detectors), cleaning soot off of the basement wall, and talking through exciting things like paint colors!  Slowly making this place ours and with every little thing it feels so good.

The Home Office is beginning to look more like an office!