Unplanned downtime
Due to technical problems today I experienced a bit of unplanned downtime.
Every now and again you can use a little downtime. It’s healthy to take a break and relax a bit. But today, a bit of unplanned downtime, after a solid weekend of meeting lots of new knitters, I hit unplanned downtime. It sent me into a bit of a panic having just released some Christmas gift knitting patterns.
Early this afternoon I received an email from my hosting service, notifying me that my hosting account had been terminated, with no further information.
Upon reaching out, it sounded like the increase in traffic was the cause of the problem. However, the solution they had didn’t make any sense to me.
So I reached out for some help. Someone more skilled help me fix the errors. In just two hours the site was back up. If you tried accessing a pattern during the downtime please accept my apologies Amy heart felt thanks for your time.
During this unplanned downtime I did a bit of work on a new hat pattern and picked out the trim for our basement refurb – which I can’t wait to show you in another post soon.

Murphy was happy to help occupy my downtime with some Christmas themed toys. He also was happy to snuggle our new Vintage Velvet Christmas Tree Skirt.
I hope you’ve had a lovely holiday weekend and that you got in some quality knitting time.
Now time to work on some more Christmas cards!