Throwing it Back to the Start
Flashing Back to My First Custom Knit Project
Where did all of these hats and shawls come from? When did I start knitting my own designs and posting patterns? What made me want to start doing this? In this post, I’m throwing it back to the very first project on which I went rogue. I’m throwing it back to my very first custom knit.
These are all really great questions, and recently I’ve been thinking more and more about this. The ultimate reason? I’m a creative person, and I need an outlet for that creativity. Yes I do knit other people’s patterns, but I need to explore and learn for myself how to create lovely things.
Have you had a feeling like this while knitting through someone else’s pattern? Have you thought, “I probably could have done something like this, or a more simple version.”? If so, I’d love to talk to you.
If I’m also being truthful, there were times where I didn’t want to spend money on other people’s patterns…and I’m very stubborn and sometimes have to take the time to do this on my own.
All of these feelings and thoughts went into this first attempt, and are coming back now that I’m throwing it back to that scarf/shawl/whatever you might call it.. I failed to figure out any kind of gauge (I still kind of skip this step…). In fact, I might not have even known how to knit a swatch and figure out my gauge, and I definitely didn’t have a nifty tool to help measure it. So this turned out large enough to be a scarf for Hagrid or one of his giant relatives. Refusing to admit failure though, and rip out the project, (again I didn’t know what frogging was at this point), so I just wrapped it around a few times like some fashionable stole or shawl and tried to sell it at a few craft shows. It never sold and I might still have this stashed somewhere.
I love that you have come to my site. I’m honored and thrilled that some of you have elected to follow my blog. I want to sit down and sip tea with you and really get to know you. If you feel the same let me know and we’ll set up a zoom.