Knit The Highwayman Hat
The Highwayman receives and update
The Highwayman’s Knit Cap pattern is inspired by the stories of Irishmen who would ride the highways at night and steal from the passersby as a means to survive. While I don’t condone stealing, my Irish roots run deep and my love for their knitting traditions abound.
That and this hat is pretty darn warm. It’s meant for the fella’s who might find themselves out in the cold. Lorena Mckennit has a haunting rendition of the poem, The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. I remember listening to her music with my father growing up as a kid. We’d sit in our family cabin he with oil lamps lit listening to her albums. So this image is one that I’ve held in my mind for many a year. I’m really happy to knit something inspired by this vision. It somehow feels “completed”.

This hat is also a variation of the last knitting pattern that I published, the Ferryman’s Knit Cap. The Ferryman another profession that would keep one out in the cold, whilst working hard.
When I knit a pattern, I try to dream up a way that it might be used. Like the Apres Ski hat, which I actually wear at our local ski resort after a day on the slopes, grabbing a beer…or now my slow able up the hill to the car being 6 months pregnant.
This hat like the Ferryman, uses a simple technique. The Cables consist of bringing stitches forward and then backward to create a gorgeous yet different result.
If you’re new to cables, fret not. I’ve written the instructions out and have avoided charts like the plagues of old in my patterns, making them attainable to knitters of all skillsets.
My test knitters have also added great suggestions to keep my patterns truly basic and free from errors. Thank you to the fabulous knitters who have helped me test this pattern.
You can now grab the Highway Man Hat Pattern from my Ravelry Store here.