The Baby Stole my Knitting Mojo
But I’m getting it back!
Never heard of knitting mojo before? It’s like any other form of “mojo”, aka the desire or inspiration to do something. In this case, it’s knitting. I’ve been really tired lately and when I’m tired, I’m uninspired and unmotivated. But through taking strategic naps, self care, frogging one project I haven’t been feeling (oooh now that’s liberating), and picking an old project back up – I’ve got my knitting mojo back!
Along with the tired feelings, and the nausea, I’ve been hit with all the normal range of emotions and questions. I worry will I have time to even think about knitting once the baby come? Will I lose interest in it? The answers to these questions before were unclear, but now that I have my knitting mojo back, I think I’ll be just fine.
The project I’ve picked back up is a unisex scarf in a grey tweed from KnitPicks – I think I’m just excited to be using some of this yarn again. I have a ton of it but I’ve been afraid to knit with it like I might ruin it on an unworthy project. But I don’t think they’re getting rid of it anytime soon so what the heck – I’ve got my mojo and I’m knitting away.
Journaling is another way I’ve gotten my knitting mojo back
I used to journal all of the time, and for one reason or another I’ve fallen out of love with it. Or I had. For my birthday this year, my mother in law, who is one of the sweetest women I know, gave me a gift that was so thoughtful and so sweet. On her travels, she found me a handmade journal that is just beautiful. And it has got a hard cover on it, so writing anywhere, anytime, even in bed, it easier.

Originally I was going to use this as my knitting pattern journal, to track notes that I make while I knit new patterns, jot down ideas so that they don’t float away and find someone else (anyone else read Big Magic?). But I decided to start journaling when we had a bit of a scare early on. Everything is fine, both the baby and I are healthy, but the emotions during that brief hiccup were intense.
Fun side note, I write backwards some times. In this journal, I decided I wanted to do cursive which I can’t do backwards yet, so this is the first journal in years that I’ve kept that someone could pick up and read without a mirror. Kind of frightening and liberating at the same time!
Knitting Update:
Andalusian Baby Blanket will be published shortly. We’re gathering the feedback from testers now. Super exciting as I’m knitting one of these babies for my…baby.
Gretchen baby Blanket: A new blanket that will go to testing soon so stay tuned if you requested to participate in this!
Unisex Scarf: Also uses a honeycomb cable and featured above this is a technical pattern, but also is totally written out so no charting. It’s a six row repeat so it’s nice and neat to knit. This will be a Fall pattern release hopefully.

Don’t worry about the knitting mojo! I have a 2.5 year old and an 8 month old. Making time for hobbies you love keeps you sane and makes you a better mom. You may have to cram it into small blocks of time but it’s definitely possible. Congratulations on your little one! That baby is going to be styling in knitwear 🙂
Thank you so much Leslie – that’s wonderful to hear and I really appreciate your kind words!