Spring Blossom Tutorial
How to work the beautiful Dandelion Stitch
This stitch is a technique that I’ve used in both my Spring Blossoms Hat Pattern and Spring Blossoms Bandana Shawl Pattern. It’s easy to work, once you get the hang of it. And the good news is that it only takes a few times working the stitch to really get it. The stitch uses a combination of knitting below, and knitting or purling two stitches together.
Spring Blossoms in the Round: (Used in the Hat)
Step 1: Looking at the needle, identify the second stitch, counting from right to left. Once you have this stitch identified, count four beneath it (starting with the stitch right below the live one on your needle).
Step 2: Insert your right needle into this fourth stitch, wrap your yarn around it and pull it through as if you were knitting a normal stitch.
Step 3: K2,
Step 4: Insert your needle back into that same stitch four below your working stitches, wrap your yarn around and knit it
Step 5: K2
Step 6: And repeat this knit four below a third time,
Step 7: K2*
Step 8: Repeat these stitches to finish the round.
You’ve just completed the first round of the flower, Steps one through 8 will be referred to in the rest of the pattern as a “Flower Round”.
To continue working both the hat and flower pattern, it requires one more round. See steps 9 and 10.
Step 9: *Insert your right needle through the back of the first two stitches on the left hand needle, wrap your yarn around the needle and knit both of them together through the back
Step 10: Knit one stitch normally*
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for the rest of the round.
Spring Blossoms worked Flat: (Used in the Bandana Shawl)
Repeat Steps 1 through eight from the tutorial above.
To continue working both the hat and flower pattern working flat or back and forth for the shawl, it requires one more round. See steps 9 and 10.
Step 9: *Insert your right needle through the back of the first two stitches on the left hand needle, wrap your yarn around the needle and purl both of them together through the back
Step 10: Purl one stitch normally*
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for the rest of the round.