Sophie's Hat Pattern Release

Sophie’s Hat: Two Baby Hat Patterns in One

Fun Yet Delicate Baby Hat Knitting Patterns

This baby hat was so fun to knit that I did it twice. These are similar yet different enough to provide you with two adorable ways to gift an adorable knitted hat at baby showers, to make for the babes in your own life, or to donate to hospitals and charities. The first Option in Sophie’s hat has a little feature cable in a typical two by two rib. The second pattern carries the cable all the way up the hat.

In this digital download you’ll receive sizing for newborns through kids. They’re both fully written and easy to knit. You can knock these babies out quickly, I mean the hats not the little ones.

Get the Baby Hat Patterns:


The Backstory

Sophie's Hat Pattern Release on Knitting in the Park's website. Get the simple baby beanie pattern now!

Do you remember Nora’s Hat? This was a pattern that I designed for my baby girl when she was still in my tummy. Well, I knitted two different sizes of the hat and by the time she was on the outside, she had almost outgrown both. I’m still playing with the sizing for that hat but I wanted to knit her something different in a worsted weight yarn.

I love Nora’s Hat but I was hit with som inspiration and was playing with cables. That’s where the idea for this cable was born. It’s a bit of an uneven cable. Or a mini cable might be a better description. The cables in these baby hats can be easily adjusted or customized to achieve a different design. For example, if you want to round out the cables instead of having narrow v-shaped trellises, you can switch it up! With my hat patterns you can easily knit them to fit the personality of the babe, the mom, or just what suits your fancy.

Get two knitting patterns in one with Sophie's Hat, now available in baby and kids sizing.

What You’ll Need to Knit Sophie’s Hat

If you know me, you know my love for Caron Simply Soft Yarn for baby hats. I picked their Tweed in the color Taupe. This hat will take less than one skein so as with most kids and baby hats, it’s a stash buster.

The hat requires a US size five circular needle or DPNs. You’ll need a spare needle for working the cables. Either a DPN or cable needle will work.

I love a good pompom to finish off your hat.

For more kids and babies hat knitting patterns click here.