Slipping Stitches in Sweden
In Sweden on Business and Working on My Wedding Shawl
On my second and final big trip this year (and we only just got out of January), a business trip to the beautiful and very snowy country of Sweden. I’ve been to this country once before and had the pleasure of visiting Malmö – this time, I’m visiting Linköping and we even got to take a company trip to another area, the island of Hasselö.
Before I get into any bit about knitting, I have to say, that if you are or have ever thought about a trip to Sweden, you should do it. The country is beautiful and clean. The people are very friendly and are quite gracious hosts and there is a lot to see and do here. Their culture is strong which is nice, because as an American, I very much like to learn about the places that I visit. It was actually a sad part of Amsterdam – that it’s so modern, and so catered to European tourists that it’s lost much of what makes it Dutch. Not so in Amsterdam. So hop on a plane and come on over.
Today was a cold and snowy Friday, so when we were done, I busted out the Purl Soho Wedding Shawl that I have been working on and begun slipping stitches in Sweden! When we took our last trip to Abu Dhabi, I had finished the first skein of yarn, so it was a treat to start working with the second skein that I purchased from my Local Yarn Store (LYS), the Tonidale Yarn Store. The German woman who owns it helped me pick out the perfect silk lace weight yarn for this shawl which is perfect for my German themed wedding in April. Ironically, the place that I am staying is a sheep farm!
This particular farm, and its land, dates back to the 1500’s when the king unified Sweden as one country. There’s even a small castle on the property that is owned by the government. The weather hasn’t been nice enough to make it over there but I hope to before I leave. The house itself was built in the 1800s and has so much character I almost can’t stand it. Almost!

My hosts are amazing and go out of their way to make sure that I am not only taken care of but as comfortable as possible – which is saying something because each one of us has been sick at some point so far. Looks like we’re on the mend and have the weekend to continue to get better – which was just in time for the snow tonight. It really is beautiful to see a farm in newly fallen snow. Its the same color and just as soft as the shawl that I am working on.
Will post more photos soon.