Sewing Review: NH Patterns Cali Midi Skirt with Slits
What It’s Like to Sew and Wear this Cali Midi Skirt from NH Patterns!
Wow is this Cali Midi Skirt Fun to Make and Wear! I was a little nervous about making this pattern when I first looked at it. But I am so glad that I made this purchase, and that I didn’t let fear hold me back. While it looks gorgeous, it’s actually an easy make!
Not sponsored. I’ve just fallen in love.

If you’d rather not read, you can watch my review of this pattern here:
Cali Midi Skirt Pattern and Instructions
Where/How to Get the Pattern:
NH Patterns has a blog here, but you make the purchases through her Etsy store. It’s a digital download. This means that the pattern is available instantly which is great! Especially if you know the instant gratification seeker inside this fiber artist. However, that does mean that you have to print it, piece it together, and cut it out. The fun thing about digital downloads is that you always have the pattern so if you need to adjust the size or want to make the skirt for someone ask a gift you can reprint the pattern.
Tip: I recently just learned that you can lay the whole pattern out, and then cut just the pattern pieces and tape them together. This saves time, and tape. But you do you.
What the Pattern is Like:
One of the reasons that I like patterns from NH Patterns, is that I feel like we’re kindred spirits. Where I try to make my knitting patterns as easy to follow as possible, these sewing patterns are simple and clear, yet beautiful. It’s like the point is to make sewing accessible to the masses. And I’m so glad because this Cali Midi Skirt is so much fun.
The one part where I did get hung up on was the zipper. But, this is more because I’m new to sewing and have a mental block where zippers are concerned. But with the help of the step by step pattern instructions, we got the zipper and waistband figured out.
The Cali Midi Skirt Pattern actually helped me learn about zippers so I walked away from this one day make with more than just an adorable flouncy skirt.

This pattern is pretty easy to alter too – you could make the skirt longer, or add some width to the panels for more volume. I played around with this quilting cotton that was a bit on the sheer side, so I added a lining to the skirt with relative ease!
Drop your favorite sewing patterns that are beginner friendly in the comments so that I can try some more!