Pretty Pregnant
I was determined to not let it slow me down, but…
We’re 37 weeks and 2 days now. Life is pretty much one form of discomfort or another. I’m so blessed to have successfully conceived and carried a healthy baby to this point, and I’m trying to stay positive and think of that. But being pretty pregnant is starting to weigh on me.

While in some respects having a shelf of a belly can be a nice thing. When it comes to knitting, it throws me off a bit. I have to hold my knitting in a different position and it’s slowing me down a bit. Another way it’s affecting my knitting, is that the lack of energy. Nights where I would have busted out rows or rounds, I’m now simply watching tv…
I’m more restricted in moving around the house. Earlier in my pregnancy I did something like pull a muscle or strain a ligament in my lower belly. It healed up quickly. Now being pretty pregnant I’ve managed to do it again, just from walking around and decorating for an event at our local bike shop. Walking up and down the steps to get to my knitting or run to the bathroom.
Between these two “issues” being pregnant has slowed me down a bit in creating and releasing patterns. I do have a bunch swirling around in my head and am working on getting through them before the baby comes…which could be any day now.
You can view my latest pattern, the Twisted Knitting Baby Sleeper here, the re-release of the Trail Hiking Hat here.
Upcoming Patterns While I’m Pretty Pregnant:
I’m still working on a name for this new pattern, but I’ve been working on this fabulous and fun new skill that I learned on Instagram. Yup, learning new tricks thanks to social media! How fun is that?
It leverages or uses a series of knit belows, and then slips these up and over to form almost a ladder or “wheat” looking element. Right now I’m using it in a hat pattern (still catching up on “thank you” gifts), but I have a feeling I’ll be using it more and more in patterns!

I’ve also been working on making some decisions about some WIPs that have been in the naughty corner for quite some time. One shawl I’ve started to frog, another scarf I’ve decided to pick back up. We’ll see what other projects pop off of my needles next!
What types of patterns would you like to see?
Help steer the ship and direct my creative energies! What patterns would you like to see me offer next? Drop a comment below or send me a message/leave a comment on my instagram or facebook pages.
I’m planning on a few things – like some sales and maybe offering another one or two of my patterns for free as a thank you to all of you who follow me.