Powder Room DIY
We are now entering the fourth month of being in the new house. I’m really starting to get the DIY itch. My husband isn’t so inclined for these projects right now. He’d rather, you know, organize the garage or build a shed. How boring! So to compromise we settled on a relatively small project, a Powder Room DIY.
Accent Wall

Not too long after moving into the house, I started to look at wallpapers for various placed in the house. Neither of us have experience in wallpapering. So, we were a bit nervous taking on even a small scale project of this kind. Luckily, Spoonflower offered pre-pasted removable wallpaper. Knowing that we could reconstitute the glue and peel it off without ruining our walls, gave us the confidence to take on tackling an accent wall in our powder room DIY.
One tip, use more water than you think you need. We first did not wet the paper enough and had to try it again. The wallpaper was easy to work with, could be redone, easy to cut, and easy to clean. We ended up with a bubble that wouldn’t adhere to the wall. So my husband grabbed a syringe, injected some water, and we were able to get it to stick to the wall. I’m already planning on using this wallpaper again in a few other papers in the house.

We took a simple piece of wood that was the right size. Then my husband sanded it and stained it to make it look a bit more rustic. We ordered some invisible shelving hardware off of Amazon to float the shelves on the wall. We had previously done this in our last house with reclaimed barn flooring. We learned the hard way that our walls aren’t as square as we thought they were. And, we won’t be ordering the same hardware again. The hardware didn’t really let us get the shelving as close to the wall as we had hoped, but it worked for what we were trying to achieve in the powder room diy.
Well before I had met my husband, my mom and I found a lovely oval mirror in an antique store. It’s been with me ever since. In our last home, we painted it white and hung it in our master bedroom. I’ve now painted it gold. The gilded paint was from Joann Fabrics. It went on easy and covered well over the white paint. I’ve used it in my baby’s nursery mirror as well.
We usually stick with Benjamin Moore Paint, and still do love it. But we’re a bit further away from the local store. So we decided to give PPG Paints a try. Normally I pick our paint colors, but my husband and I went together and both fell in love with Alaska Blue. It went on easily, had good coverage, and we like the paint. It will be exciting to see how it holds up over time now that our DIY Project has been completed.