Naughty Knitter
I Didn’t Listen to my Fiancé’s Advice
You’re probably wondering what in the world this post is going to be about – so let me get to the point and clue you in. I’m a pretty forgetful person, and have a hard time keeping track of things, especially if I can’t see them. I think it’s being dyslexic but that’s another conversation for another day. Because of this, I like to have my Fiancé double check my packing and help me make sure that I have everything that I need for my trip. This is especially important when I’m traveling by myself because it’s a bit stressful. I also like to ask him to edit my packing, by asking his opinion on whether I’ve brought enough, or too much, because I have a tendency to overpack…you know, just in case you need it!
Before this recent trip to Sweden, I asked Christian the questions, “Do you think I should bring both knitting projects for the wedding? Or just one?” Thoughtfully he answered that this was a business trip, and he didn’t see having enough time to finish a project and start another. Like a true knitter, I heard his response, internally agreed that he was probably right – but let my obsession with knitting get the better of me. I packed both the shawl I’m making for myself, and for my maid of honor, just in case!
I would be eating thoughts later on, when about half way into my trip, I was looking through my stuff to find the shawl for my maid of honor. I had just showed my shawl to my host, and wanted to show her the second that I was making in this beautiful shade of blue. Along with it was about $50 of yarn from KnitPicks.
I couldn’t find it.
Christian had just climbed into bed after working the night shift and I frantically texted him, confessed to being a naughty knitter and apologized for not listening to him. In the same breath/text, I also asked if he could go into the living room and look to see whether the blue shawl was there.
It wasn’t.
And that’s when I remembered. On the plane to Amsterdam, I took my knitting (both projects were in one bag) out of my carry on, removed my shawl to work on it and nudged everything gently under the seat in front of me. This was my big mistake. So this naughty knitter only had one shawl to work on during the trip, and that’s a good thing because I’m making quite good progress. Unfortunately the downside to that is now I’m up a creek without a paddle. Time to get back to the drawing board!
The wedding, is in April by the way.