Mom’s Knitworthy
Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s to the Moms who are totally Knithworthy!
First of all what does that even mean? Knitworthy is a term knitters have drummed up to describe the people in our lives who are worth countless hours of toil, cuss words, fixing mistakes, washing and blocking. There are so many people who “just don’t get it”, but these are the select ones that do.
My mom, is majorly knitworthy. Throughout my life, she’s always celebrated my creativity. She’s framed and hung my painting, jewelry making, pushed me to pursue other projects. For my birthday, she used to take me to the art supplies store, give me a budget and patiently wait for hours as I stalked the isles looking for what to choose.
Today, she wears what I make her with beaming pride. I’m in the process of teaching her what knit stitches look like so it’s easier for her to wear them as I’ve intended. She won’t hesitate and never misses an opportunity to say that I’ve made this shawl or that scarf for her.

You can get the Misty Mountains Pattern for your mom or other knitworthy person here.
When I tell her that I plan on making her something new, she tells me that she has enough of my work and to bless someone else with it. She’s giving to a fault. It’s the way she’s always been. She’s even given some of the thing’s I’ve made her away – not because she didn’t like them, but so others could enjoy them. (Mostly to her five sisters).
Who’s Knitworthy in your life?
Do you know someone like this? I’m blessed with a few. My nieces even beg me for hats and scarves, and as their sense of fashion evolves I’m scrambling to keep up.

Knitworthy isn’t a trait you’re born with or without. You can develop appreciation for knitted items similar to coffee or whiskey. My younger brother wasn’t a fan of my early work, but now he loves the hats I send him.