Surprise Valentine
This year, I was surprised with a second surprise Valentine…a day late
There’s a new man in my life…He’s a bit shorter than I’m used, and a good bit more needy. In fact, I’m starting to think he only likes me for my boobs… Meet Fynn Thomas! Our Surprise Valentine!

This weekend, I had grand plans to knit and publish a couple of patterns. My husband and I were going to take a trip to my parent’s house in the mountains and get a bit of a baby moon in…but on Saturday, we had a surprise valentine make his appearance.
How it Happened
On Friday, I didn’t feel well at all. Then my husband got stuck at work late. We texted quickly and decided to spend the night at home, grab some breakfast, and then drive up in the morning. That night, we stayed up till midnight watching (and knit-flixing) the show Vikings. Then at 2:55AM my water started to break.
I say started to because it’s most definitely not always like in the movies where it happens all at one and you most definitely know what happened.
Then the contractions got worse. And they happened more frequently. So I started noting their times to track them before waking my husband up. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a false alarm. By 4AM he was up and we were making the decision to go to the hospital. Our poor dog Murphy knew something was up, even before he saw my bag and the diaper bag.

By 5AM we were on our way to the hospital, and by 6AM they confirmed I was in active labor. From here things slowed down a bit. We got the epidural and were cared for by an amazing nurse and nursing student while we waited for someone to check our progress. When that finally did happen around noon, we were ready to go!
About an hour and twenty-eight minutes later, Fynn Thomas, my surprise Valentine came into the world!
He’s a healthy baby boy at 21 1/2 inches long. He weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces. And he was just shy of three weeks early (Which I was totally okay with).

It’s been four days and I’m smitten with my little Valentine’s Surprise!
My husband was and continues to be amazing throughout this whole process. He’s taken such great care of us and just about ready to start his paternity leave to spend even more time with the two of us.
The whole family isn’t so sure about this surprise Valentine
Murphy wasn’t and still isn’t into this whole new person in the house thing – even if it is a tiny human that sleeps all day. He was excited at first. Then it turned to a bit of jealousy. Now I think it’s just a matter of all of us getting into a routine.
He is actually getting better and more gentle with each passing day. I’m confident they’ll be best friends in no time. It’s just a case of getting used to mom cooing over someone else.

Knitting with my Valentine
Get ready to be spammed with photos of Fynn in all of his little knits. He has a hat, a blanket, and a sleeper for now…but that is going to quickly change.
I’m planning on starting on a few hats to get us through this last bit of winter here in Pennsylvania.
I brought something to knit in the hospital but after the epidural, I had a bit of numbness in some of my fingers. My husband and I decided that it was better or safer for me to wait until it cleared to start knitting again.
I’m feeling well and healing up nicely so I think I can get back to my knitting (especially while Fynn sleeps). So stick around and stay tuned! Some of them may even be free!