Knitting Saved My Spirit
When Space is Cramped on an Airplane
Recently we took a quick trip to celebrate the marriage of one of our family members. The wedding was a beautiful ceremony held just an hour away from myrtle beach in this beautiful little beach town – it was lovely. The weather was a bit chilly and I wish I had brought more of my loverly knitted accessories with me, but it was lovely none the less. And this Pittsburgh girl loves to kick off her Gurus and take a walk in the sand no matter what the weather.
To get down there, we flew out of Latrobe’s Airport – a small town airport that is nestled into western PA. The airport has a great restaurant – sit down dinners and lunches without the hefty price tag of other airports BTW. We took a flight out of this airport on Spirit Airlines. If you haven’t heard of Spirit yet, it’s one of the more affordable airlines where they don’t pad the price of the frills into your ticket – but you do have to pay for amenities if you’d like them…like picking your seat…or a drink of water.
We tried to pick our seats the night before, but didn’t really want to pay to pick them. Well we paid for sure, the next day when we boarded the plane. Chris and I got to the ticket counter and asked the woman to print our boarding passes and were pleasantly surprised to be sitting together…in the back of the plane…the very back…like the last row…with no window…or leg room. Thank God for knitting.
I never realized how much the back of a plane can flex during takeoff and landing. It actually scared me for a minute before Chris reminded me that it was normal. He’s really my rock and keeps my flighty anxious thoughts grounded. The flight was a short one, just over an hour. It wasn’t terrible, but not being able to look out of the window, or have a full sized tray to write/work on was a bit of a pain. So having my knitting, that fit right in my lap, saved my spirit on this trip down to Myrtle Beach’s airport and back.
What’s on my needles? Well I’ve been playing around with the daisy stitch from the washcloth that I made for Easter and am turning it into a shawl! Stick around for more photos and a pattern soon!