Knitting Pattern Testers
This year is off to a bit of a rocky start. Last year involved a surgery and some changes that set me back knitting. In January, I had every intention of kicking off the year strong. I recently published the Caliper Shawl and then started another pattern. Then in February, we lost my soul dog Murphy. It was devastating. One week later, after not eating, knitting, or really being much of a mother we rescued a puppy. We’re now getting back into the swing of things and I want to get back to my intentions of improving upon my patterns. This is why I’m now asking for a list of dedicated pattern testers.

Meet Miss Mabel from Memphis. She’s still getting the hang of it but she’s my new knitting partner. Murphy used to lay on my knitting, I think because it smelled like me -the way dogs lay on your pillow. Mabel keeps trying to nibble on my needles, and pull on my yarn tails. We’ll have to work on that.

What I’m Looking for in Knitting Pattern Testers:
My goal is to create a list of pattern testers that I can contact when I have a pattern that is either in the works or recently finished. Sometimes my math doesn’t…math. I’m dyslexic and I do a fairly good job of catching typos, but there are sometimes one or two that squeak through.
Testers will not need to knit every pattern, only those in which they are interested. You also need to be able to commit to knitting the project in a reasonable amount of time. I can’t put a time frame here because some are smaller projects like hats and then there are larger projects like shawls and sweaters.
At this time I cannot offer yarn support.
To apply, please email maggie@knittinginthepark.com with at least one photo of your knitting, and why you are looking to be a knitting pattern tester.
Are You New Here?

Hi! My name is Maggie. This is my little space where I share patterns that are a little bit different. My brain works a bit differently making knitting with charts a chore. So I strive to offer beautiful patterns that are easy and fun to knit.
I have two beautiful children, and now a new puppy. We love to share our craft and house projects on the blog as well.
I hope you’ll subscribe and follow along here. You can also keep up with us on Instagram and Pinterest.