Knitting at the Bonfire
A Peaceful Summertime Hobby
So we just had our first backyard fire, and it was beautiful. We were blessed with a cool night, and a cousin who gave us a fire pit from Crate and Barrel. My husband grilled a wonderful dinner and then made the fire while I cleaned up and we enjoyed a bit of craft beer as we sat around the fire…and knit. Well at least I was knitting. Chris was keeping the fire going, and the dog well, he was being a lab and carrying around a branch that he clearly thought was a suitable stick.
For some reason, especially on a cool night, I LOVE knitting around a fire. Maybe it makes me feel like I’m not in North Park and I’m back in the mountains, or maybe it’s just two things that I love combined. Part of me feels like knitting in the summer, around a fire is a silly thing to do – but last night, it was perfect.
I had just cast on a hat, this one for myself, in the perfect shade of blue from Lion Brand. I’m going to whip up an Apres Ski Hat to match my ski pants as the one I have right now is more of a chartreuse color (and my ski clothing is already bright blue, orange and purple).
Hats have been flying off of my needles of late. It’s great to have a short project after knitting a few shawls. But I plan to incorporate what I’ve been doing with these hats, into some other projects, like mittens and scarves. Do you guys prefer actual scarves or infinity scarves?
Cables, cables, cables, once you get them it’s all you want to do! Well, for a while I’m sure. Soon I’ll be craving another type of stitch or wanting to make a sweater. But for now, it’s hats and cables, with some other projects sprinkled in.