Knitting around the World
Literally, halfway around the world
In an earlier post, I mentioned that my Fiancé and I recently took the trip of a lifetime. We visited his family who are living for a short time overseas, in Abu Dhabi. While we were there we got to see some really cool stuff, and even went to Dubai and Oman. We learned so much about the United Arab Emirates and the surrounding areas – but there is really a ton still to learn. I feel as though we barely scratched the surface! From knitting poolside for a bit, to catching some rows in Abu Dhabi, I literally got to knit around the world, well at least half way around the world.
During the trip I kept looking for fibers and for yarn to bring back – but I couldn’t find any. There were so many beautiful crafts to look at though and we even found some to bring home. I bought a pashmina shawl for my mom and one for someone else special.
We got Chris a head scarf for when we go camping. Here he is trying it out and learning to put it on…aka I was learning how to put it on for him.
Another day we went for an incredible boat trip in Oman and got to go swimming in incredible water in an ancient fjord. That night I got to sneak in some knitting before dinner.
And again
We got to see the tallest building in the world – the Burj Kahlifa
And eat incredible food by the most gracious and kind hosts.
What projects did I bring?
With our impending nuptials, I chose to bring my wedding shawl and the shawl that I am knitting for my fabulous maid of honor. We were so busy sight seeing and spending time catching up with his family that I didn’t knit a ton during the trip, but I definitely made up for it on the plane rides. It was really cool to bring my knitting along and weave all of the different memories into the shawls as I worked with the fibers. Now, every time I reach for my shawl, I’ll be reminded of the trip and of the different places that we got to visit.
Where will I be knitting next?
Sweden! That’s right! I get to travel across the ocean again very soon, this time to meet my team members for my job in person! The coworker that I’m crashing with even has a farm, so I’ll hopefully getting to meet some of her sheep in person! Yes, I am that big of a fiber nerd. We didn’t get to meet any of the goats in the UAE so I’m bound and determine to meet a sheep!