Its Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
On Parkview Drive!
After removing the washtub and fixing the pipes upstairs, it was time to try to install our washer and dryer. Until now, we haven’t really looked at them…at least not enough to notice that we were trying to plug an electric dryer into a pervious gas dryer’s place. So began the saga of calling electricians to come out and install a plug, replace the fuse boxes with a breaker box, ground the wire to our water meter and various other things that we’d like to have done to make us feel more comfortable in our new space.
After two days of estimates, we stopped to take a look at our laundry situation. We quickly realized that all of Chris’s scrubs needed washed – but we still didn’t have a dryer and our washer hasn’t been hooked up yet. Our solution? Rather than bug my brother, aunts or anyone else at 9:30pm on a Monday night, we ran out to do a load of wash. While we waited for the load to finish the wash cycle, we ran out to get our tree out of storage.
Today required a full day of work for my clients, but in the evening, between working on other smaller projects like unpacking, I was able to put the tree up! And it looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself! My dad helped with the lights and it felt like we were 15 years back in time. Mom supervised the decorating like in the good old days and helped me make sure the ornaments were evenly spaced. The good new days, felt like the good old days – all was right. Well minus Chris. We were waiting for him to get home from work. Even he was pretty impressed with our decorating skills though.
One of the challenges when it came to decorating an older house is the lack out electrical outlets. We have a fair amount, but they are spaced further apart than we are used to, and the only outside outlet, is in the back of the house, underneath the deck, making it hard to put lights up on the outside of the house. I hung a wreath on the front door, and found some affordable garland at At Home, wrapped an old strand of lights around it, and then grabbed green yarn and Command Hooks to hang it inside of our large window at the front of the house. I’m in love.
After my aunt got word that we purchased a house, and she gave us a beautiful housewarming gift before we even moved in! But now that we have our table finally put together we can use the table linens!