Huge Announcement: I’m Pregnant
We’ve been trying to keep this pregnancy a secret until after our first Doctor visit
It’s been a challenge. We have so much excitement over the news and genuinely wanted to include everyone in it, but there is just so much that can happen in the early weeks. I come from a huge family – mom’s one of eight and dad’s one of six, so statistically speaking we’ve had our fair share of healthy babies but also some that have been lost or born fighting. We are happy to say that on Tuesday we saw a wonderful Nurse Practitioner who gave us the all clear and we got to see the baby. So that’s it – We’re Pregnant!
I kind of feel like I’m shouting it from the roof tops a bit but it’s just so freeing to be able to say it out loud and not worry (as much…because let’s face it, I’m me…and I worry).
Here’s how we told everyone that I’m Pregnant
That’s right, we had our adorable, first child, Murphy tell everyone. I know I’m going to ruffle a few moms’ feathers by calling our dog our first child but he is for us. Murphy is such a huge part of our lives and we love him so much. Yes, you’re right, I haven’t actually had a baby yet, but I know in my heart of hearts that Murphy will always be included. That’s the commitment you make when you bring a dog, cat, bird or whatever else into your family.
If you’re following along on YouTube, I put an announcement up there. Well, it’s an announcement as well as an apology for a month of radio silence.
So what does me being pregnant mean for this blog?
A lot! I’m obviously going to be blogging about my journey to becoming a mom, but I’m also going to be posting a lot about knitting. I’ve got two baby blankets in the works! Two! I’m sure that there will be copious amounts of hats and other baby items too. This is purely from my excitement but also because some of you have asked for these types of patterns.
I’ll try to keep all of the posts appropriately categorized so that you can scroll past the pregnancy stuff if that’s not interesting to you.

Congrats!! So happy for you and your family. That’s wonderful news!
Thank you so much! It’s been really exciting and so hard to keep this a secret. It’s so nice to be able to talk about it now 🙂
CongratuIations 🎊🍼 So excited and happy for you!! Prayers for a safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby🙏
Thank you so much!!