How to Make a Faux Fur Pompom
Make the perfect accessory for your knitted hats with this simple faux fur pompoms tutorial
Faux fur pompoms on top of hats are becoming super popular. They’re featured in many knitting patterns, and top almost every hat in stores. And it’s not hard to see why! They’re adorable.

To put them on my own hats, I’ve searched for an affordable option. Most options are just a bit too expensive for my taste and needs. So I’ve made my own! Here in this post you’ll find text and video instructions. If you can make a simple stitch with a sewing needle and trace a circle, you can make a pompom!
Making these little gems is really easy. It requires a trip to your local craft store, and maybe scrounging up a few items you already have.
I’ve included two different sizes: an 8 inch round for adults and a six inch round for kids and toddlers. You could size down to a four inch if you want a really little pompom

What you need to make the faux fur pompom:
- Faux fur
- 8 inch or 6 inch round template
- Needle
- Yarn
- Scissors
- Marker
- Button
- Stuffing
Begin Tutorial
Step one: Using Your template (either an eight inch circle or a six inch circle) trace the shape onto the back of your fabric. Next cut along the line you’ve traced. This doesn’t need to be perfect, as the bits of left over marker won’t show.
Step two: Grab your sharp needle to sew around the edge of your fabric. Thread your needle and begin sewing 1/2 inch from edge. This will keep your yarn from pulling through the edge of your fabric. Your stitches should be 1/2 – 1 inch long. The smaller you make the stitches, the harder it will be to gather the pompom tightly when you’re finished.

Step three: Cinch the yarn so that the pompom starts to take the shape. Fill it with stuffing a little bit at a time and continuing to tighten your yarn as you go. Knot it tight.
Step four: Thread the yarn onto your needle again and pull it down through the center of the hat. Then thread one of each of the two strands of yarn through the button on the inside of your hat. Tie in a bow and trim any excess.
You can add these to any of my hat patterns – here’s a list of them!
This is the white with gold fabric I used for my Ada Beanie