How to Knit a Chevron
Chevrons are beautiful elements that are easy to create
When designing a knitted project, there are a multitude of elements that one can use that add a pop of color, bit of texture, etc. Chevrons are simple to work design elements that spice up any project. In this post, I’ll show you two different ways to use them.
I’m going to use a count of 8 stitches to create these chevron patterns, but remember, if you want a pointed chevron, (those diagonal shapes), use an even number of stitches. If you use an odd number of stitches, they’ll be more rounded.
Color Changing Chevrons
The beauty of color changing chevrons, you can switch between two colors or as many as you want. In the most recent pattern that I am working on, I’ve used four colors and love the depth that it adds. I’m going to show two colors below, but you can easily replicate this technique with any number.
I’ll use CA for the first color and CB for the second.
Working in the Round:
Cast on Multiples of 8
Knit at least one round of Color A (I like to do about 3 round of solid color and then switch)
Round 1: K7 *CA, K1 CB* Repeat to end of round.
Round 2: K1CB, *K5 CA, K3 CB* Repeat until last 7 STS, K5 CA, K2 CB
Round 3: K2 CB, *K3 CA, K5 CB* Repeat until last 6 STS, K3 CA, K3 CB
Round 4: K3 CB, *K1 Ca, K7 CB* Repeat until last 4STS, K CB
Knit the same number of rounds in Color B as you did to start the work.
Repeat the process to either change back to the first color or to add a third color.
Round 1: K7 *CB, K1 CA* Repeat to end of round.
Round 2: K1CA, *K5 CB, K3 CA* Repeat until last 7 STS, K5 CB, K2 CA
Round 3: K2 CA, *K3 CB, K5 CA* Repeat until last 6 STS, K3 CB, K3 CA
Round 4: K3 CA, *K1 CB, K7 CA* Repeat until last 4STS, K CB
Working Flat
Alternate Knit and Purl rows in a solid Color
Row 1: K7 *CA, K1 CB* Repeat to end of round.
Row 2: P1CB, *P5 CA, P3 CB* Repeat until last 7 STS, P5 CA, P2 CB
Row 3: K2 CB, *K3 CA, K5 CB* Repeat until last 6 STS, K3 CA, KB
Row 4: P3 CB, *P1 CB, P7 CB* Repeat until last 4STS, P4 CB
Repeat the same number of rows of the CB alternating Knit and Purl
Row 1: K7 *CB, K1 CA* Repeat to end of round.
Row 2: P1CA, *P5 CB, P3 CA* Repeat until last 7 STS, P5 CB, P2 CA
Row 3: K2 CA, *K3 CB, K5 CA* Repeat until last 6 STS, K3 CB, K3 CA
Row 4: P3 CA, *P1 CB, P7 CA* Repeat until last 4 STS, P4 CB
Textured Chevrons:
This is a very similar process to switching colors, but instead of switching colors, you alternate knit and purl stitches.

In the Round:
Round 1: *K7, P1* Repeat to end of round
Round 2: P1, *K5, P3* Repeat to last 7 STS, K5, P2
Round 3: P2, *K3, P5* Repeat to last 6 STS, K3, P3
Round 4: P3, *K1, P7* Repeat to last 4 STS, K4
Purl at least 1 round. Again, 3 is my favorite number.
Round 1: *P8, K1* Repeat to end of round
Round 2: K1, *P5, K3* Repeat to last 7 STS, P5, K2
Round 3: K2, *P3, K5* Repeat to last 6 STS, P3, K3
Round 4: K3, *P1, K7* Repeat to last 4 STS, P4
Knit the same number of rounds.
*K7, P1* Repeat to end of round
Row 1: Purl
Row 2: Knit
Row 3: Purl
Row 4: *K7, P1* Repeat to end of round
Row 5: K2, *P5, K3* Repeat until last 6 STS, P5, K1
Row 6: P2, *K3, P5,* Repeat until last 6 STS, K3, P3
Row 7: K4, *P1, K7* Repeat until last 4 STS, P1, K3
Row 8: Purl
Row 9: Knit
Row 10: Purl
Rows 11 – 14: Repeat rows 4 – 7