The Beginning
Why I Chose to Carve Out My Little Corner of the Interwebs….
Like everybody else and their mother. Well, now that we all have that one song from The Sound of Music stuck in our heads, I guess I should get started.
My name is Maggie, I’m engaged to an incredible human and together with our dog, we have started the journey of buying a home. As we begin to think about moving, I’ve been working on knitting through my yarn stash so there’s left to move…every knitter out there right now is either cracking up or shaking their head. Foolish, I know, but never the less it’s happening. Currently I’m knitting up some custom beanies to donate to Animal Friends for their Holidays with Heart event. This has spurred some new patterns, and I realize that I love knitting and crafting so much that I could and in fact do, talk about it all of the time. My muggle fiancé doesn’t understand a darn thing about fiber, and my dog hates the sweaters that I make him try on for size. So that leaves me talking to strangers, who I hope will soon become friends, on the internet.

Over the course of this blog, I’ll post some patterns, share links to other people’s patterns that I’ve decided to try, the odd ball recipe from time to time and more. As we are at the very start of moving, I am sure that there will be lots of stories to share (many good, bad and a lot of ugly – or at least funny – to be sure).
The meaning of the name for my little corner of the universe comes from the fact that we are moving near one of the best parks in the ‘Burgh – North Park. I hope to share more and go into more depth about where the name comes from but I don’t want to put the cart before the horse…especially if something happens in the next couple of weeks that squashes our dreams, or at least postpones them.
Until I figure out how to get my patterns up on this site for sale, you can find them on Etsy.
Thanks so much for stopping by and listening to me prattle on. I’ve got lots of work to do here before this site becomes worth your time, so I appreciate the attention now and as we move forward. You can reach me at maggie m franz (at) gmail dot com in the meantime if you have any suggestions, want to talk fiber or just are curious and want to know where this whole freight train is headed.