Happy New Knits!
Planning the New Year, Full of Projects
Five’s always been a lucky number of mine so this new year sounds full of hope and luck to me. I wish you all the same, and of course lots of knitting. Happy New Knits! Let’s make this the year we really get our fiber in. Check out my goals for the year below and let me know what your goals are in the comments of this post – or email me at maggie@knittinginthepark.com – together we can stay on track this year.
Environmentally Friendly:
Every choice we make has an impact. Knitting unfortunately is no different. But we can make good decisions about the materials we we use in our craft. Going for natural yarns is always good, but this can get pricey. Other alternatives are recycled or up-cycled yarns. I’ve been knitting with Lion Brand’s Re-Spun and really like the quality of yarn for the cost. You can find more about these environmentally friendly yarns and choose the right one for your upcoming projects! Happy New Knits!
Check out the yearns here.
Getting Organized:
I’m looking at getting better at being organized and will be trying to plan out my projects better this year. That’s not saying I’ll have it all sorted this very month, but I’m looking into trying a planner to keep things on track. You can try the one I’ve drafted:
If you do, please share your feedback so we can improve it! PS, It’s free so there’s no risk other than the ink from your printer and a few sheets of paper.
Making More Time for the Things That Fill My Cup
This past year saw a bit of a health issue for me, and resulted in lost time. I didn’t have the energy to do the things that I love and that keep my cup full. Now that I’m feeling back to myself, I need to get back into the habit of prioritizing my passions. I hope you’ll join me and make more time for the things that you love this year. Here’s to a happier, healthier, fiberous new year! Happy New Knits!