
  • New Hat Sizes for Fynn and Avery's Hats from Knitting in the park

    New Hat Sizes!

    Hello fiber friends! It’s been quiet here on the blog but for good reason. I’ve been working on some updates to my patterns. This means going back through previously published hat patterns and…

  • How to Make a Knitted Ghost

    Knitted Ghost Decoration

    A bit of Poly Poltergeist Fun I’ve got a bit of yarn left over from my pumpkin knitting projects and have been playing around with what to do with it. Somewhere down a…

  • Baby Girl's Woodland Nursery

    Woodland Themed Nursery

    How We Pulled Together Our Nursery for Our Baby Girl Emboldened by the first mural that I did in my son’s room, I started planning the nursery for our new baby girl. At…

  • Baby Esme Header Image

    Baby Esme Hat Knitting Pattern

    A Buttery Soft Baby Hat Knitting Pattern A few years ago, I was playing around with a buttery soft yarn that I picked up from Joann Fabrics. The yarn was a bit bulkier…

  • Powder Room DIY Header Image

    Powder Room DIY

    We are now entering the fourth month of being in the new house. I’m really starting to get the DIY itch. My husband isn’t so inclined for these projects right now. He’d rather,…