Free Knitting Pattern for Baby Hats from Knitting in the Park
Knitting,  Pregnancy

Carpel Tunnel Anyone?

Tapping the Knitting Community for thoughts and advice on Carpel Tunnel

While I was in the hospital recuperating from Fynn’s birth (a story I’ll probably share more on later), I started experiencing numbness in various parts of my body. The numbness in my leg made sense, considering the epidural that I begged for…but the numbness in my right hand wasn’t explained by the epidural. When talking about it to my husband, my nurse looked at me and asked if I had carpel tunnel.

It couldn’t be from the epidural, as the nerves that are experiencing the numbness stem from a higher part of my spine. It would have been a convenient explanation though, as it wouldn’t mean having to take any time off of knitting…

Could it be Carpel Tunnel?

Could it be Carpel Tunnel?

Not knowing or rather, not being sure of the true cause for the numbness in my thumb, index, and middle finger, I didn’t knit for the three days while I was in the hospital.

Since coming home from the hospital, I’ve only done some light knitting here and there. IE the baby and kids hats that I have been publishing. The numbness gets worse, and then it gets better at different times. So I’m wondering, could it be carpel tunnel?

Are you a knitter that’s had or dealt with symptoms like this before? Don’t worry – I will seek out a medical opinion on the matter as well. But we have such a great community here, I wanted to hear from people who know what it’s like. It actually might help me talk to my doctor about it.

Fynn's Birth Story

If you’ve had it, what have you done about it? Have you sought treatment? Could you stretch and rehab it?

Until I know…

Until I can get to the bottom of what is causing this sensation, I might be limited in my knitting. I beg you to bear with me and be patient. There are new patterns coming and I have a ton of ideas rattling around in this brain of mine.

I will be publishing more free and paid patterns soon.

In the meantime though, I might also start publishing more about becoming a mom, what it’s like, what I’ve learned and what I’ve desperately Googled throughout this process. Would you mind terribly?