Breast Pad DIY Fail and Redemption
Still Very Much Learning to Sew and Loving DIY-ing This Whole Mom Thing
During this pandemic, I’m taking time to learn how to do things that I’ve been saying “I’d learn if I only had the time”. Sewing is one of those things. Every time you risk trying something new, you risk failing. But in failing you learn. Read more about my breast pad DIY fail and redemption.
Are you taking the time to learn something new? Let me know in the comments what you’re trying!
PS this post is about breastfeeding and breast pads just in case you aren’t into this topic and wait to skip this post and wait for the next one.

This past weekend, I took my nieces skiing. This was their first time and both were a bit nervous. I explained to one of them that doing something new is scary and that was the reason for their nerves. The other fell a few times and when she got frustrated, I reminded her that falling meant that she was trying. Well, now it’s time for me to fall and pick myself back up.
Breast Pad DIY Fail and Redemption
You know that I’m a first time mom, and very much on theme for this post, doing anything for the first time means learning a lot. Previously I had tried disposable breast pads and hated them. But now I’m hurting (literally) for a soft breast pad to sort out an issue. I needed it now vs waiting for one to be shipped. So I grabbed some fabric scraps and a free tutorial.
I can be a bit dyslexic sometimes and when I read this pattern the first three times it just wasn’t clicking. I’m not bashing the pattern or tutorial – it’s great! I just had to get my brain to transition from knitting to sewing and think in new terms.

Everything I’ve sewn this far has been sewn with wrong sides facing and then flipped right side out. So I couldn’t get this out of my head. This pattern calls for sewing it as it is – with a serger rather than flipping it right side out and top stitching. So my first breast pad DIY effort came out super tiny rather than the 3.5 inch diameter it was supposed to be.
I couldn’t quit on this project. So I re-read the instructions and some of the comments and this time I got it! This was my first time sewing anything like a dart so I gave myself some grace. It was also my first time sewing something so small in a circle. Sew, I was soon finished with my first successful DIY Breast Pad. And I like it!

Modifying the Pattern:
The tutorial calls for one layer to be an absorbent fabric. I don’t need my to be absorbent, just soft. So I did three layers of the cotton flannel material which I have plenty of.
Practice Makes…More Perfect
I plan on using this tutorial to make more DIY Breast Pads to help heal this little sore that developed last night and get back to breastfeeding like a champ. With these, I can now also use coconut oil to promote healing and keep it clean.
Also on deck, booties with a snap and elastic for Fynn. I’m using another pattern, this time one that I purchased from an Etsy shop. I’m really looking forward to this pattern but it is also quite daunting. Just like leading my nieces down a ski slope that intimidated them, it’s time for me to step up to more patterns with new skills and broaden my horizons. I’m also going to try to attempt two patterns that I’ve been putting off for quite some time. One is an apron for me and the other is a pair of PJ pants for my husband. I have literally been putting these off since I first got my sewing machine and realized that this is going to be a longer road than I initially assumed.