Art Trades Are My Fave
Knitted Items Make Great Art Trades for Other Handmade Goodies
I absolutely nerd out about getting to connect with other knitters for sure, but I equally enjoy getting to meet and know other artisans as well. Through our network of friends, I recently had the chance to not only connect with but do an art trade with a creative and skilled woodworker named Heather of Hardwood Artworks.
Here’s her site: Hardwood Artworks
And Here’s her Instagram
Heather takes the most beautiful pieces of wood from trees that are sourced locally in the Pittsburgh area and turns them into handcrafted artworks like hand carved spoons, cutting and charcuterie boards, and so, so much more. Please take a look at the links above to see what she is doing and to get in touch with her.
How the Trade Went Down
Not too long ago, I posted a hat and said that I could make it for about $25. Heather saw it and immediately asked to trade. I’ve been familiar with her Instagram for a while, so immediately I agreed to the trade, and already felt like I was going to get the better end of the bargain.
We worked out what color and pattern of hat she wanted and Heather gave me some sizing indications, and then I was off to the races. My trip to Sweden was looming and I wanted to get the hat done and delivered to her soon, as we were in for another cold spell.
I worked it up over about a day and a half and got her address to send the hat to her. Typically I like to meet people in person to see how the hats fit and feel but we were under a time crunch.
Heather let me pick what she made and guided me through her inventory and options to find something that she felt was equal for a trade. She made me a beautiful charcuterie board, and threw in a match light box.
I feel like I owe her another hat for what she was able to send me!
The package was waiting for me when I got home and it was like Christmas Morning – only it was actually 1am on random Thursday.
The charcuterie board is really almost too pretty to use, but I’m sure that we’ll find ourselves using it again and again and again. It’s perfectly smooth, just the right size and the grain in the wood is beautiful!