A Deal so Good I Feel Like I Stole It
We got such a great deal on two new pieces of furniture that I actually feel guilty.
My husband likes to call it my “Catholic Guilt”, but I like to think it’s just a road sign that I’m a decently good person. This weekend, while my husband was on night shift, I went to visit my parents in the Laurel Highlands. My mom and I love this little second hand/antique shop which is closing. So we wanted to go visit one more time…and of course shop. She had this piece that matches our china cabinet and we’ve never seen anything that matches. We got a a deal so good that I feel like I stole from the woman – but not on the piece that we wanted.
As soon as we walked into the beautiful home that dates back to the 1920’s our eyes sought out the little buffet type piece but to our dismay, there was a sold sign on it. We were bummed out but not totally phased. Together we slowly walked through the house and perused her other items. There were two that I instantly fell in love with. My mom first pointed out this little art deco style dresser that had been painted light blue. It was adorable.

We think we might try to make it into a bathroom vanity, but if that won’t work, we might put it in the babies room. This is of course after my parents and I put a good bit of love into the little piece. It was marked only $50!! I measured it with a yardstick and sent the numbers off to my sleeping husband.
Then we kept walking and I discovered this little yellow buffet piece that was similar to the dresser in it’s age and design. We weren’t quite sure what we’d use this piece for but I was in love and couldn’t leave it. We asked how much the store owner would want for the pice. Again, just $50! I definitely had to have it now. This was most definitely A deal so good I felt guilty over it!

We’re not quite sure where this piece will live yet – either as an actual buffet in my dining room, or maybe as my work space in our laundry room. Time, dimensions, and my ultimate feelings will tell. Regardless of where it goes, it’s going to be so well loved and used that I cannot wait for it!!
But, my dad is the master wood worker, or antique whisperer in the family. Even though we loved the pieces, and had the measurements, we needed him to take a look at the two. So we said goodbye and promised to come back on Sunday, the next day.
After running a few errands, and checking out an antique mall, we made our way back, dad in tow. He looked over the two pieces, top to bottom, front to back. He took out drawers, checked the joints, and asked Karen what she knew about the pieces. Ultimately he approved and she gave them to us for just $80!
Dad and I loaded them one at a time into the bed of the truck and carted them home to their log cabin. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll rehab these amazing little period pieces that are perfect for my home into shape! I cannot wait to post an update.