We Finally Met Our Neighbors
All we needed was a little sweetness
They say you attract more flies with honey…or something like that. Not that I’m comparing my neighbors to flies – they are lovely, flies are not. But the idea still sticks. We had been in our house for about four months and still had not met the neighbors. Initially we thought it was because January and February were so cold and that things would change in the warmer months ahead. But the weather got warm and we still hadn’t met that many of them.
We live on a quiet little street just outside of the park – it’s lovely really. And it’s nice to have your peace and quiet, but it’s still nice to get to know your neighbors as well. Well, the wedding came and went, and were getting ready to leave for our honeymoon. We still had a huge tray of homemade Italian wedding cookies from a dear family friend, and I couldn’t let them go to waste. But we had no room in our freezer because of the amazing leftovers from the wedding dinner – you don’t let a morsel of food from John Marshall and his team go to waste. So we were stuck.
Until I realized that it would be a great way to meet our neighbors!!! But it was seven in the morning, and pouring down rain. So Chris upped my idea, with putting them into little bags, writing a note and placing them in our neighbors mailboxes. Well me being a nervous nelly and living with perpetual Catholic guilt, thought oh no – what if the mail person gets mad at us?
Well I risked it, and trudged through the rain in Chris’s boots to deliver our cookies while Chris packed the truck for our honeymoon. Once we got back – it worked! Within a week or two we had met most of the neighbors near us and we are still meeting some of the other houses that are a bit further away! A little sweetness goes a long way. One of our neighbors even bought us a pie to say thank you!