Knitting Superstitions
I can’t be the only one who has a few knitting superstittions
Are there things you do, or won’t do when knitting because you’re afraid it will mess up your project? When I started, and up until just recently, I was adamant about not weaving or sewing my yarn tails in until the project was completely finished. I had a knitting superstition that it would jinx the project and that it wouldn’t turn out right if I did.
It also is a practical thing as a knit wear designer, as it makes frogging an unsuccessful design a bit harder. This was especially true when I didn’t know the “proper” way to weave in yarn tails. Later I’d learn to knit them into your work but even that can be a bit tricky.
Less of a superstition, I also hate leaving a project mid row. It just feels like you are begging for a catastrophe. My dog often enjoys laying on my knitting, no matter where I’ve left it…except maybe on the table.
I have been holding off on knitting baby blankets until very recently – we’re starting to plan our family and I didn’t want to jinx our ability to have children by knitting a blanket too soon. Or maybe I was more worried about the feelings toward the work in progress if we weren’t able to conceive while I was making it…who knows where these come from.
It’s a good thing I put this one to the side! The Double Seed Stitch Blanket has been requested 479 times!

Do you have any Knitting Superstitions?
There have got to be some other great knitting superstitions out there. Anyone have ones about who you knit for, how you store your yarn, or works in progress?
Submit them in the comments to this post! I can’t wait to see what we all share!
Here’s an article from Interweave on the Top 5 Knitting Superstitions.
And here’s a light hearted one from Lion Brand.