Who Gives a Crap?
Making sustainable choices in the bathroom with a new toilet paper from Who Gives a Crap
So this post might sound like a bit of a deviation from my typical content if you’re new to the blog. It’s typically a lot of knitting patterns, and knitting related content. But, if you’ve been following along since the beginning, you know that I try to mitigate the impact our choices have. But who gives a crap?
If you stop to think about the amount of time you and your family spend in the bathroom, and the resources we consume there – its startling.
One day I was on Facebook and saw an ad for this company called Who Gives a Crap. At first, I was amused and clicked to find out who this cheeky brand was. Pun intended.

After reading about their mission and their products, I placed my first order.
If you don’t want to read, you can listen to my spiel here.
Who is Who Gives a Crap?
A brand that makes quality toilet paper from recycled paper to mitigate the impact our necessaries have on the environment, while also combating disease in third world countries.
So they make a whole different brand of toilet paper – which does look and feel a bit different. The recycled paper has a natural rather than bleached white color. It’s soft but as fuzzy or linty as the prolific brands. You can see and feel how this stuff has less of an impact on the environment.
It’s packaged in bright colored paper, which also cuts down on the amount of plastic we’re using and bringing into our homes. That and it’s cute enough to leave out on the back of your commode.

What about this mission?
You can read it straight from the horses mouth here, but I’ll try to be short and eloquent about it.
Roughy 40% of the worlds population doesn’t have access to a toilet.
Yea, you read that right.
Living in the US, with all of our modern amenities that number blew my mind. Now wait…it get’s worse. Because of this lack of indoor plumbing that safely removes germs and bacteria, 1 child dies almost every 2 minutes from preventable diseases.
How long have you been browsing the internet/social media today – or even reading this post? How many kids have died while we were enjoying our extremely cush lives?
Fifty percent of every order is donated toward this effort. So I don’t mind paying a bit more for the convenience of having my toilet paper delivered to my door – OH and saving lives!
So how does Who Gives a Crap work?
Since receiving my first box, I’ve placed it in both of our bathrooms…no one has said anything. What that means in my house, is that it’s business as usual. Literally potty business but you know what I mean – if no one complains it means that this product has passed the muster test.
You can get a free trial box here if you don’t believe me.
Oh and this is just an honest, “hey I found this new product post”